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Day 6: Joseph
Read: Genesis 39, 50:20

Think: What trials have you faced in your life? What has your perspective been like in the midst of those messes? Looking back, how has God shaped you into who you are because of those terrible or difficult things?
Hope: Even though Joseph’s charmed life resulted in a pit and a prison, he continued to trust God and eventually God placed him in a palace. Because of his faith, he ended up saving all of Egypt and his brothers from death (Jesus was a descendent of Joseph’s brother, Judah, so it’s a good thing he continued to trust God!)

Pray: God, living in a broken world can be overwhelming. My pain and struggle are real but I am holding on to you! I know you have a plan to redeem even my worst circumstance for good and for your glory.

Apply: Take some time today to write a few letters to kids and their families that are in the hospital over the holidays. Involve your small group or family to join you as well.