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Day 4: Abraham

Read: Genesis 12:1-3,15:1-6

Think: Abraham believed God enough to leave everything that he knew;  he trusted that God would give him a son, even as an elderly man. What is something radical God is calling you to do this holiday season that would require great faith?

Hope: Abraham was an imperfect man, but because he believed that God would keep His promises, he took a leap of faith and he had a son when he was 100-years old. Because of his faith, his great-great-great-great-great (you get the picture) grandson was JESUS!

Pray: God, my faith is small right now. Help me to trust you and step out this holiday season to obey you in what you are asking me to do.

Apply: It feels risky but invite someone who isn’t a Christian to church or youth group this week. Ask the Holy Spirit for the faith to do it and leave the results to God!