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Day 17: Daniel

Read: Daniel 3:1,4-6,11-12,16-27

Think: Daniel’s three friends would rather have died a terrible death than worship fake gods. They believed God would either rescue them or give them the strength they needed to endure it, knowing they would be with Him in eternity. How has the world we live in tried to get you to “bow down” to things other than Jesus? What do you think would give you the same courage these three had to endure whatever persecution you might experience as a result of not following the crowd?

Hope: When the guards threw the three friends into the fire, they saw a fourth man. Most Bible scholars believe this was Jesus! Even when we go through the fiery furnace of life, enduring trials because of our faithfulness to God, Jesus promises to be with us every step of the way. 

Pray: Jesus, thank you for “never leaving me or forsaking me,” Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV) when I go through trials. Give me courage to stand up for you when everyone else is bowing down to other things.

Apply: Serve someone without being asked today. Take out the trash, walk the dog, cook dinner, wash the dishes. Display humility and love through service.